Top 25 Economic Articles in ScienceDirect
Check out ScienceDirect’s quarterly Top 25 Hottest Articles in Economics, Econometrics, and Finance. The Top 25 is a list of most read articles – counted by article downloads in ScienceDirect. You can set up an alert to receive the Top 25 list automatically. They also include Top 25 in other subject areas such as Business Management, Chemistry, Psychology, etc.
ScienceDirect is one of the databases available to the GSU community. It provides access to more than 1,800 journals across 24 fields of science including the social sciences. For those in Economics and Finance, journals and books of interest include:
Ecological Economics
Economic Modelling
Emerging Markets Review
Financial Services Review
To receive updates on your favorite journal(s) in this database, select the ALERT tab in ScienceDirect to create an account. You can then save searches, create volume and citation alerts.
Are you surprised that economic and finance journals are in a database called ScienceDirect?