Open Education Week, March 10-15

Open Education Week starts today! Check back with the GSU library blog each day this week to learn more about open education.
By the way, what is open education and why is it important?
Open education is a movement that promotes and supports the use of open educational resources (OERs) that can be shared at little to no cost. Many OERs have a creative commons license that allows for adaptation and re-distribution. OERs include textbooks, turn-key courses, readings, videos, syllabi, assessments, and more. OER and the tools to locate and incorporate OERs into courses have evolved and grown tremendously over the past ten years or so. We now have a growing array of quality resources at our disposal. The use of OERs can reduce costs for students and institutions. OERs may also usher in new ways of teaching and learning as the opportunity to reuse, remix, create, and share becomes easier as high quality content licensed for this type of use becomes increasingly available.
Here’s a few resources that provide an overview of OER:
- The GSU library’s Open Education research guide
- David Wiley’s TEDxNYED talk from March 6, 2010: Open Education and the Future
- Butcher, N., Kanwar, A., & Uvalić-Trumbić, S. (2011). A basic guide to open educational resources (OER). Commonwealth of Learning / UNESCO.
- Kamenetz, A. (2010). DIY U: Edupunks, edupreneurs, and the coming transformation of higher education. White River Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Pub. Located on Library North, 4th Floor: LA227.4 .K36 2010