GSU Gerontology Professor’s Research shows that “Family Matters”
Check out this recently-published article by GSU Gerontology Professor Candace Kemp‘s (and former GSU professor Mary Ball), which applies their “convoy model” developed in a previous article (Kemp, Balll, & Perkins, 2013):

Perkins, M. M., Ball, M. M., Kemp, C. L., & Hollingsworth, C. (2013). Social relations and resident health in assisted living: An application of the convoy model. Gerontologist, 53(3), 495-507.
“…A key aim of this analysis, which uses the social convoy model as a conceptual and methodological framework, was to examine the relative importance of coresident relationships and other network ties to residents’ subjective well-being. Design and Methods: We analyzed data from structured face-to-face interviews and social network mapping conducted with 192 AL [Assisted Living] residents in 9 AL facilities in Georgia. Results: Having a higher proportion of family ties in one’s network was the single most important predictor of well-being, whereas possessing some ties to coresidents and nonfamily members outside AL also had a positive effect. Findings showed that relationships among coresidents generally were important although not emotionally close. Having more close ties was associated with lower well-being, suggesting that not all close ties are beneficial. The majority (84%) of residents’ closet ties were with family members. Implications: Findings illuminate the crucial role families play in residents’ overall health and well-being and demonstrate the importance of helping residents develop and maintain a range of network ties, including “weak” ties with coresidents and nonfamily outside AL.” [from abstract]