What is Family? GSU Sociology Professor’s Research on Polyamory
Check out GSU Sociology Professor Elisabeth Sheff‘s most recently published research:
Dr. Sheff’s research “extends sociological knowledge by (1) detailing some characteristics of a relatively unknown family form; (2) comparing same-sex families to poly families rather than heterosexual families; (3) contributing an alternative to the debate on same-sex marriage; and (4) exploring some of the implications these families hold for sociological
theory and society.” (p. 489)
Here are other books in the GSU University Library on polyamory:
- Simpère, F. (2011). The art and etiquette of polyamory: A hands-on guide to open sexual relationships. New York: Skyhorse.
- Anapol, D. M. (2010). Polyamory in the twenty-first century: Love and intimacy with multiple partners. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Walker, R. (2009). One big happy family: 18 writers talk about polyamory, open adoption, mixed marriage, househusbandry, single motherhood, and other realities of truly modern love. New York: Riverhead Books.
- Klesse, C. (2007). The spectre of promiscuity: Gay male and bisexual non-monogamies and polyamories. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
- Munson, M., & Stelboum, J. P. (1999). The lesbian polyamory reader: Open relationships, non-monogamy, and casual sex. New York: Haworth Press.