New Resource: SimplyMap

The University Library now offers access to SimplyMap, a user-friendly mapping and social science data resource. SimplyMap provides access to thousands of variables including demographic, health, business and marketing data. With this resource you can easily create thematic maps based on this rich collection of data. All variables can be mapped from the state level down to the census block group level. The maps that you create can be saved to your own account and can also be exported as a GIF image or a PDF. For advanced GIS users looking to take advantage of this resource, SimplyMap has an export to shapefile function. While SimplyMap allows you to create quality maps, you can also view and export the data as a spreadsheet.

See this brief video tutorial on using SimplyMap to make a map.
Users are advised to create an account the first time that they log into SimplyMap. Once you have created an account you will be able to save your work. For more information on using this new resource contact Joe Hurley, Geosciences, GIS and Data Services Librarian.
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