New DVDs in Journalism/Mass Media-January 23
Here is a list of selected new DVDs on journalism/mass media topics now available for checkout in Library South 2 by call number.
The art of the Interview .
Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c2008.
Notes: Patti Obrow White explores the art and science of conducting journalistic interviews. She explores topics such as preparing to meet the subject, establishing a relationship quickly, understanding the pressure points of an interview, speaking with children, and dealing with difficult subjects.
Call Number: PN4784.I6 A78 2008
Media literacy: asking questions / Carmelina Films ; written and directed by Nick Pernisco
Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c2006.
Notes: Narrated by Rosaline Bernstein. Explains how to teach media literacy through the application of three basic facts and five key analytical questions that can be applied to any media message. This simple and highly effective approach is reinforced by insights and observations provided by important figures in the media literacy movement, including Elizabeth Thoman, Tessa Jolls, and Jeff Share, of the Center for Media Literacy.
Call Number: P96.M4 M42 2007
When journalism gets a black eye : scandals and the Fourth Estate / ABC News Productions.
Publisher: Princeton, N.J. : Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2006.
Notes: Anchorman Chris Bury ; pre-recorded footage of Dan Rather, John F. Kerry, and Bill Burkett ; interviews with Leslie Moonves, Richard Thornburgh, and Louis D. Boccardi ; voice-over coverage by Jim Wooten of ABC News.
What are the long-term effects of journalism scandals? When the public’s trust is damaged, what can the Fourth Estate do to repair it? And how is technology affecting journalism in the 21st century? To speak to those points, this ABC News program examines the notorious “60 Minutes” (Wednesday edition, September 8, 2004) incident involving George W. Bush’s National Guard record. Anchor Dan Rather claimed to have documents showing that Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian had declared First Lieutenant Bush unfit for flight status for failure to obey an order to submit to a physical examination; the Killian files were later proven to be forgeries. Two related journalistic issues are briefly discussed: the growing influence of new media (it was a blog that first questioned the authenticity of the anti-Bush documents) and the opportunism of right-wing media, which accused CBS of pursuing a political agenda in reporting such a story at the height of the 2004 presidential campaign.
Call Number: PN4781 .W44 2006
Racial stereotypes in the media/ executive producer, Chris Scherer ; producer, Jerry Baber ; writer/director, Rhonda Fabian ; Fabian-Baber Communication.
Princeton, N.J. : Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c2008.
Notes: Narrator, Suzanne Weintraub. Participants: Oscar H. Gandy, Jr., Carolyn Kitch, Bob Garfield. This program examines the relationship between mass media and social constructions of race from political and economic persepctives while looking at the effects media can have on audiences–Publisher’s description.
Call Number: P94.5.M55 R33 2008
Sexual stereotypes in the media/ Fabian-Baber Communication ; producer, Jerry Baber ; writer/director, Rhonda Fabian.
Princeton, N.J. : Films for the Humanities & Sciences : Films Media Group, c2008.
Notes: Narrator, Suzanne Weintraub ; participants: Oscar Gandy, Carolyn Kitch, Bob Garfield.
“This program illustrates some of the commercial, cultural, psychological, and sociological forces that have shaped sexual stereotypes in the media, such as demographic segmentation and the selling of gender, the myths of alluring femininity and rugged masculinity, Jungian personality archetypes, consensus reality, stereotype threat, the hegemonic forces of agenda-setting and mainstreaming, body image dysfunctions, and the theory of the male gaze.” –Container.
Call Number: P96.S5 S48 2008