GSU Professor receives Gerontology Institute’s Distinguished Faculty Award

Jenny Zhan, Georgia State University Associate Professor of Sociology, has received the 2011 Gerontology Institute‘s Distinguished Faculty Award, recognizing her outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the field of gerontology. The following are some of Dr. Zhan’s most recent publications:
- Zhanlian Feng, Heying Jenny Zhan, Xiaotian Feng, Chang Liu, Mingyue Sun, and Vincent Mor. 2011. “An Industry in the Making: The Emergence of Institutional Elder Care in Urban China.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 59:738–744.
- Taylor-Harris, DaVette & Zhan, Heying J. Forthcoming. “The Third-Age African American Seniors: Benefits of Participating in Senior Multipurpose Facilities.” Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
- Zhan, Heying Jenny. 2011. “Elder Care in China—Changing practices and culture.” Chapter in Aging in Perspective and the Case of China: Issues and Approaches, edited by S. Y. Chen & J. L. Powell. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. [on order for GSU Library]
- Zhan, Heying Jenny, & Luo, B. Forthcoming. “Women, the State, and Social Policies.” Chapter in Women and Social Policies in the West. Renmin University Publishing House.
Other award recipients included the following: Undergraduate student Glenett Hannah, Graduate Certificate student Alexis Bender, and Masters Student Peter Paye.