Every October, archives and repositories across the country celebrate Archives Month in order to showcase their collections of unique primary resources for research and to…
[caption id="attachment_19389" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Students inside Kell Hall, 1946 ff."][/caption] Like the red-headed stepchild whose history it tells, Dr. Merl E. Reed’s Educating the Urban…
[caption id="attachment_19372" align="alignleft" width="238" caption="Barbara Hunt (far right) (family photo)"][/caption] Do you know who our first female graduate and faculty member was? Can you name…
[caption id="attachment_49201" align="alignleft" width="240"] Georgia State students on Ivy Street (Kell Hall entrance), 1946[/caption] Georgia State University: you’ve come a long way, baby! From a…
Dr. David Sjoquist is Professor of Economics, and Director of Domestic Programs and Director of the Fiscal Research Program, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia…