New Digital Collection: Georgia State University Undergraduate Catalogs

Undergraduate course catalogs from Georgia State University’s past and present are now available online through the library’s digital collections. The digital collection contains 101 catalogs dating from the 1920s through 2017 and documenting course offerings at GSU in all of the university’s incarnations: the downtown Atlanta location of Georgia Tech’s Evening School of Commerce

(1914-1933), the Evening School of the University System of Georgia (1933-1935), the Atlanta Extension Center of the University System of Georgia (1935-1947), the University of Georgia, Atlanta Division (1947-1955), Georgia State College of Business Administration (1955-1961), Georgia State College (1961-1969), and Georgia State University (1969-present).
New catalogs will continue to be added to the collection as they are issued. Graduate catalogs will be digitized later this year.