Data Services & Support @ GSU Library – Check It Out!
Need to find existing data to analyze for your dissertation or thesis? Using SPSS, SAS, or Excel to do statistical analysis and need help with the software? Doing qualitative research and wondering if you should use NVivo software?
Want to visualize data on maps or in other visually-pleasing ways but not sure how to geocode data or to use ArcGIS or Tableau software to do this? Designing a survey using Qualtrics and need some pointers on how to do so? Writing a grant proposal and need assistance with the required data management plan?
The University Library’s Research Data Services Team can help you with all of these things AND MORE!
Visit this page for more information about our data services, to schedule a one-on-one consultation with our specialists, and to browse our calendar for drop-in assistance and workshops offerings. Also feel free to contact us at and we’ll connect you to the right person for assistance.