Journal Citation Reports: new interface and content

Journal Citation Reports, a product of Thomson Reuters, has recently added its yearly content update to the Social Science and Science editions and updated the interface to one that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and more consistent with the Web of Science interface.
The 2015 Edition of JCR includes:
- More than 11,000 of the world’s most highly cited, peer reviewed journal listings in 237 disciplines and 82 countries
- 272 journals with their first Journal Impact Factor
The new interface now features…
- a searchability option across Social Science and Science editions; previously 1 edition per search
- a Visualization view
- the ability to select journals for comparison by quartile or trends, and metrics such as impact factor and article influence score
- searchability by impact factor range, open access journals, category schema (Web of Science or Essential Science Indicators
- the option to download data, and set up custom reports
Other new indicators, as described by Thomson Reuters:
- Understand journal performance across categories with the brand new Journal Impact Factor Percentile.
- How many reviews does a non-review journal publish? The Percent Articles in Cited Items tracks the proportion of articles in non-review journals.
- The Normalized Eignefactor now makes it even easier to understand influential journals in the research community. A Normalized Eigenfactor of 2 means a journal is twice as influential as other journals in the same pool.
Two free online sessions hosted by Thomson Reuters will be available this month for anyone interested in a demo: