GSU Gerontology Professor Researches Faith and Health
Check out this recent publication by the GSU 2011 Gerontology Institute‘s Distinguished Faculty Award winner Sociology Professor Heying Jenny Zhan:

Zhan, H., Luo, B., & Zhang, G. (2013). Faith and health: Meanings of faith for Chinese elders with diverse religious backgrounds. Ageing International, 38(4), 343-363.
“This paper examines the relationship between religious faith and health among immigrant Chinese older adults. A sample of 30 immigrant Chinese older adults was drawn from Christian churches, Buddhist temples, and Falungong activity centers to study their different attitudes and behaviors regarding illness and health. Findings revealed differences in explanations for causes of illness based on religious backgrounds. Buddhist and Christian elders showed little behavioral difference in health and medical treatments. Falungong believers emphasized faith and exercise in healing. We argue that religious faith can be both a health-promotion and health-risk factor. A lack of social services and health care benefits for Asian immigrant elders could lead to various faith-related activities, which could negatively affect elders’ health and well-being.” [article abstract]
Read the article to learn more!