College of Education International Forum on Wednesday

As part of this week’s celebration of International Education Week, the College of Education is presenting an International Forum followed by a poster session.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
9:00am – 11:00am
Faculty presentations begin at 9am, Room 1030, College of Education Building
30 Pryor Street
Poster sessions will be held in the lobby of the College of Education Building.
Faculty panel presenters include:
Dr. Iman Chahine, “Preparing globally responsible teachers through cultural immersion: Research and study abroad experiences in ethnomathematics education”
Dr. Joyce King, “Two decades of transformative research and collaboration in Brazil and with Afro-Brazilians”
Dr. Mona Matthews, “Project Partnerships Achieve literacy (PALS) South Africa – USAID All Children Reading Grant”
International Education Week recognizes global issues effecting education and our increasingly interconnected world. Study abroad and student exchange opportunities are some of the ways students prepare for a more globalized future. Find out more at events throughout the campus this week. A complete schedule of GSU’s International Education Week events can be found here.
A few articles by the faculty presenters are accessible below:
Chahine, I. (2011). Beyond Eurocentrism: Situating ethnomathematics within the history of mathematics narrative. International Journal for Studies in Mathematics Education,4(2), 35-48.
McQueen, M. Q., Shaheed, S. F., Goings, C. V., & Chahine, I. C. (2010). Voices, Echoes, and Narratives: Multidimensional experiences of three teachers immersed in ethnomathematical encounters in Morocco. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 3(2) 47-56.
Joyce, E. K. (2011). Who dat say (we) “too depraved to be saved”?: Re-membering Katrina/Haiti (and beyond): Critical studyin’ for human freedom. Harvard Educational Review, 81(2), 343-370,388.
Farran, L. F., Bingham, G. E., & Matthews, M.W. (2012). The relationship between language, and reading in bilingual English–‐Arabic children. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 25 (9) 2153-2181.