Mathematics Videos for Teaching and Learning

Are there math concepts that still confuse you, even after reading a textbook? Are you interested in state-of-the art applications of mathematics in science, technology, and more? Do you want an entertaining video to show during class? You may find what you need in these collections of mathematics videos from the GSU Library and the Internet.
Khan Academy: Khan Academy features hundreds of videos explaining concepts in math (and other subjects) through handwritten equations and voice-overs. Some videos include exercises to try, and questions and answers from other users help clarify confusing topics. Khan Academy has been getting a lot of press lately, particularly through its use in “flipping the classroom” (watching lectures as homework and working on solving problems in class). Check out some articles on Khan Academy or on flipping the classroom in Discover.
Vi Hart: Vi Hart’s videos feature entertaining explorations of mathematical concepts, illustrated with doodles. Even if you’re not studying math, try her exposé of the inaccurate math of Spongebob Squarepants or her videos on the mathematics of music (and the music of mathematics).
Films on Demand: Films on Demand compiles video from educational sources, from television news to programs on PBS to other documentary video. The Mathematics category includes instructional videos on basic and advanced topics meant for a variety of audiences. Don’t miss the mathematics-related TED Talks, a series of short, inspiring talks on “Ideas Worth Spreading.”