University Library News

Georgia State University Library

“Giving Peer Review a Second Chance: Strategies for Providing and Interpreting Feedback”

Hey students! Here’s an opportunity to get free help with the writing process. The Writing Studio, located on the 9th floor of the General Classroom Building, will be offering free workshops this semester that can help you refine and revise your papers. Run by faculty, staff, and graduate students, these workshops will cover topics like writing across the curriculum, peer review, grammar, business communication, and more. Students in all majors are encouraged to attend. The first workshop, “Giving Peer Review a Second Chance” will be taught by Associate Writing Studio Director Jennifer Forsthoefel, Monday September 19th from 10-11am  in the Troy Moore Library, 9th floor General Classroom Building.  So what is peer review? The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘peer’ as “A member of the same age group or social set; a contemporary.”  “Peer review” is feedback offered by someone with a similar background to yours. This workshop will help you provide feedback to fellow students and learn to interpret their feedback for your own writing. Stay tuned for more workshops offered by the Writing Studio. To recap, here is the information on the workshop:

Jennifer Forsthoefel- “Giving Peer Review a Second Chance: Strategies for Providing and Interpreting Feedback” Monday, September 19th @10:00am Troy Moore Library 9th Floor of General Classroom Building


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