$25,000 for Research on Race and Entrepreneurship

Adia Harvey Wingfield, assistant professor in the Department of Sociology, received $25,000 in funding from the Kauffman Foundation to study racial differences in motivations for entrepreneurship. The project will examine black, white and Latino business owners to assess the extent to which race affects their desire to pursue self-employment.
Some books available in the University Library on race/ethnicity and entrepreneurship:
- Doing Business with Beauty: Black Women, Hair Salons, and the Racial Enclave Economy, by Adia Harvey Wingfield
- The Store in the Hood: A Century of Ethnic Business and Conflict, by Steven J. Gold
- Race and Entrepreneurial Success: Black-, Asian-, and White-Owned Businesses in the United States, by Robert W. Fairlie & Alicia M. Robb
- Chinese Ethnic Business: Global and Local Perspectives, by Eric Fong & Chiu-Ming Luk
- Many more – search by subject using “minority business enterprises”