University Library News

Georgia State University Library

Managing Your Online Self

Infographic about social media outreachAre you new to social networking, blogging, microblogging, or lifestreaming? Or have you already established a presence online but are concerned about managing it professionally?

The Center for Instructional Innovation is hosting a session on Managing Your Online Self on Wednesday, November 30 at noon.  Library employees Cliff Landis and Christian Steinmetz will share both beginner and expert level information about the multitude of social media available for outreach, as well as best practices for managing your online identity and marketing yourself to the world. Learn how to separate the personal and the professional to maintain your privacy.

This session is designed to be an informative and informal conversation for faculty and students. It will be held in Aderhold, Room 423. Please sign up on the events calendar if you plan to attend.

Image courtesy of fredcavazza at Flickr.

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