Library Essentials: A Virtual Workshop Series
In late Fall 2020, a group of librarians at Perimeter College got together to brainstorm how to better virtually engage with the GSU community. Our goals were to have a major reset from the year 2020 and provide GSU students helpful, hands-on, and practical information to jumpstart their 2021 school year. And best of all, perhaps it could count as extra credit!
What resulted from those conversations was a large and diverse array of workshops in topics that ranged from time management, research basics, study skills, and software & citation help.
Enter, the Library Essentials workshop series! All workshops are offered virtually on WebEx and are open to all GSU faculty, staff, and students. For more information, you can follow the schedule on GSU Library’s social media, or directly at

Upcoming workshops
How-to: Personal Finance
Learn about budgeting, credit and other finance basics. It’s never too late to get “money” smart! [February 4 @ 7pm | Register]
Canva Workshop
Learn how to beautify your presentation slides and other assignments with Canva. Canva is an easy to use graphic design tool that allows you to give your homework a professional look! [February 10 @ 10am | Register ; February 16th @ 3pm | Register]
Up Close: Business Source Complete Database
Explore the content and mechanics of Business Source Complete, a scholarly business database that provides full-text access to many peer-reviewed business-related journals, including disciplines such as marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics [February 17 at 7pm | Register]
Up Close: ERIC and ProQuest’s Education Database
Explore research in the field of education and the mechanics of ERIC and the ProQuest Education databases. Users will learn about two resources that provide access to education-related literature and publications. [February 18 at 7pm | Register]
Up Close: CINAHL Plus
Explore the content and mechanics of using CINAHL Plus. CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health, and allied health disciplines, providing access to journals, books, dissertations, standards of practice. [February 24 @ 7pm | Register]
Up Close: Using the Statistical Abstract of the United States
Explore the content and mechanics of the Statistical Abstract of the United States. This is a well-known and highly -valued cross-disciplinary resource that provides a comprehensive collection of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. [February 25 @ 7pm | Register]
Wizardry with MS-Word
Unlock Word’s power. Demystify the Ribbon. Learn to open and save Word files from and in a variety of formats. Format hanging indents for Works Cited and reference list. Format outlines and bulleted lists. Also learn about graphics, templates, styles, and more. [March 1 @ 10:30am | Register]
Library Research 101
Have you gotten a research assignment and have no idea where to start? Come join Sheeji Kathuria as she introduces you to the best places to start your research. No question is too basic; tell us what you’re working on and we’ll get you started! [March 2 at 2pm | Register]
How-to: Annotated Bibliographies
Learn how to build an annotated bibliography. See how library resources and tools can make this type of assignment even easier! [March 3 @ 7pm | Register]
Up Close: Films on Demand
Explore the content and mechanics of the Films on Demand database. Films on Demand is a repository featuring images from some of the world’s leading museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists, facilitating research and education. Users will learn how to navigate the database, best searching practices, accessibility features, and how to create their own segments for assignment usage. [March 4 @ 7pm | Register]
MLA Citation Workshop
Avoid and fix common citation issues. Modify automatically created citations created with library databases. Create citations from scratch using MLA 8th edition cheat sheets. Keep track of web pages, articles, and ebooks so you can cite them later. Create citations for web pages, images, YouTube videos, and authors quoted in your textbook. [March 5 @ 3:30pm | Register]
Conquering Windows 10
Learn to organize your documents, assignments, and files on your computer. Open files your way and save them where you want, and never lose a file again. Also declutter your desktop, tame your tiles, and beautify/personalize your work and study environment. [March 11 @ 1:30pm | Register]
MLA How-To
We will introduce you to the basic rules of citing using MLA 8th edition. Feel free to bring any of the MLA questions you have as you are writing your paper! Co-hosted with the Learning & Tutoring Center. [March 30 at 2pm | Register]
Easy Citing with Zotero
Come learn about a free and easy to use tool to help you cite your research in one click! Zotero is a digital tool that integrates with your browser, allows you to save all of your resources into a personal database, and then literally cites as you write! Citing has never been so quick and easy. [April 6 at 2pm | Register]
Past Workshops:
Conquering Windows 10
Get Organized!
Pomodoro Time Management
Wizardry with MS-Word
Can you Believe it?! What’s Real, What’s Fake, What’s Scholarly?
Finding Study Materials and Test Prep Help (Online and Print)
Career Research
Let the Library Host your Next Movie Night
How-to: Lab Report Basics
How-to: Personal Finance
Canva Workshop
Up Close: PubMed Database
Up Close: APA PsycInfo Database
We hope to continue offer these in the future and eventually in-person based on attendee feedback and community interest!
The full schedule and registration information can be found at: or follow GSU Library on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates.