Congrats to our Spring 2020 RDS@GSU Data Certificate awardees!

The Library’s Research Data Services (RDS) Team completed another successful round of the RDS@GSU Data Certificate program. A whopping 153 people earned certificates in the Spring 2020 certificate period — a 62.77% increase from the previous Summer/Fall 2019 certificate period (94 awardees). Because we’re all about data, we want to share some data about our 153 awardees to highlight their accomplishment.

To earn the RDS@GSU Data Certificate: Awardees had to attend, either in-person or online, a minimum of five unique Research Data Services (RDS) workshops offered in the areas of data analysis tools, data analysis methods, data visualization and mapping, and finding data during the Spring 2020 certificate period.
Our 153 RDS@GSU Data Certificate awardees attended 971 workshops in total, averaging 6.35 workshops per awardee. While 79 (51.6%) completed the required minimum of five workshops, the remaining 74 (48.4%) awardees attended six or more — with the honor of “most attended workshops” going to three awardees who attended 14 workshops each. Quite impressive!

RDS@GSU Data Certificate awardees attended workshops across a wide variety of topics offered by the RDS Team.

Georgia State students were the largest awardee group, representing 109 (71.2%) of the total awardees, with 74 (48.4%) graduate students, 34 (22.2%) undergraduates, and 1 (0.65%) post-baccalaureate. GSU staff, faculty, and alumni represented 17 (11.1%) of the total awardees. Non-GSU awardees represented a sizable portion, at 27 (17.6%) of the total awardees.

Almost all of the GSU Colleges and Schools had representation among our awardees – as did some administrative offices and the University Library (“Other GSU” category below). The College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) had the most representation, followed closely by the Robinson College of Business (RCB) and the School of Public Health (SPH).

Varieties of academic departments were represented from the various GSU Colleges & Schools.

Awardees were sent PDFs of their certificates, listing the individual workshops they attended. Because of the COVID-19 campus closure, we weren’t able to have our certificate ceremony — but here is a virtual cake to congratulate our data nerds!
Congratulations to our 153 RDS@GSU Data Certificate awardees!
We commend you for your commitment to becoming data savvy, and we know what you’ve learned will benefit you in your studies and career.