Recent Research by Sociology Professor Carlson

Meet Professor Daniel Carlson, who joined the GSU Sociology Department faculty in 2012.
According to his department profile, one line of his research employs “identity discrepancy, normative life course, and social stress theory” to examine “how recent changes in family formation patterns, family structures, and family roles have affected the well-being of children and adults in families.” And his current research examines “the causes and consequences of the sexual division of labor in romantic unions and one’s gender ideology, exploring how discrepancies between ideology and paid and unpaid labor arrangements affect adults’ mental health.” His teaching interests include “Introduction to Sociology, Sociological Theory, Research Methods, Statistics, Social Psychology, Sociology of Mental Health, Aging and the Life Course, Work and Family, and Family Demography.”
Check out some of Dr. Carlson’s recent publications:
- Carlson, Daniel L., and Jamie L. Lynch. 2013. “Housework: Cause and Consequence of Gender Ideology?” Social Science Research 42:1505-1518.
- Carlson, Daniel L. 2012. “Deviations from Desired Age at Marriage: Mental Health Differences across Marital Status.” Journal of Marriage and Family 74:743-758.
- Carlson, Daniel L. 2011. “Explaining the Curvilinear Relationship between Age at First Birth and Depression among Women.” Social Science & Medicine 72:494-503.
- Carlson, Daniel L., and Kristi Williams. 2011. “Parenthood, Life Course Expectations, and Mental Health.” Society and Mental Health 1:20-40.
- Carlson, Daniel L., and Chris Knoester. 2011. “Family Structure and the Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Ideology.” Journal of Family Issues 32:709-734.