Emerging Technologies for Online Learning Conference–April 9-11

Streamed Live on Campus
Aderhold, Room 423
Attend all of the sessions or drop by for the ones that most interest you. No registration necessary. Seating is limited to 25, so come early to ensure your seat.
April 9, 2014
9:30-11:00am: Teaching the Distributed Flip
11:30am-1:00pm: CSU: Affordable Learning Solutions
2:30-3:20pm: Mobilizing Merlot: Using Merlot OERs to create an online Graduate Course
3:30-4:20pm: MERLOT Classics Award Winner in Teacher Education: Why Technology Helps or Hinders the Classroom
5:00-6:30pm: Reclaim Learning: A Domain of One’s Own
April 10, 2014
8:45-9:15am: Igniting a Flame with Innovation and Intrapreneurship in the Online Learning Environment
11:10am-Noon: Explaining the Slow Growth of E-textbooks in an Increasingly Digital Environment
12:10-1:00pm: Blending Learning to Support Students: Struggles, Successes and Samples from Higher Education
2:30-3:20pm: Dr. Strangespace or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Active Learning Classroom
3:30-4:20pm: Adaptive Multimedia’s Proven Impact on Student Retention
April 11, 2014
9:00-10:15am: Mess in Online Education: How it is, how it should be
10:25-11:15am: Setting Students Up for Success in Online Courses
11:40am-12:30pm: Sustaining Adoption of Academic Technologies: Faculty Communities Building MERLOT Teaching Commons
12:40-1:30pm: Advancing Social & Mobile Learning with an Integrated Suite of Rich Media Tools
*Session descriptions can be found here.
For more information contact: Denise Dimsdale, 404-413-2842 | mdimsdale@gsu.edu or George Pullman, 404-413-5854 | gpullman@gsu.edu