Teach effectively and creatively with open content and other affordable solutions

Several library blogs this week have focused on locating and using open resources. However, it can be challenging to determine the most effective way to incorporate these materials into your course. Listed below are three services to help you get the support you need:
Center for Instructional Innovation: Get ideas and support for effective and innovative teaching through GSU’s Center for Instructional Innovation (CII). Five GSU faculty members from different disciplines talk about their experiences with CII and Writing across the Curriculum (WAC) here. Register for the upcoming Instructional Innovation Conference on Friday, April 18 here.
The Exchange: The Exchange offers services such as Instructional Design and Project Consulting, Custom Technology Workshops and more.
The GSU Library: Talk with the GSU Affordable Learning Georgia Library Coordinator, Denise Dimsdale about how to locate and use professional quality free or affordable content such as textbooks, video, simulations, library-licensed journal articles and more. Also, visit the Affordable Learning Georgia site to learn more about what the University System of Georgia is doing to promote and support the use of open content.