The Impact of the HOPE Scholarship
David Sjoquist, an economics professor, was interviewed for a story in the Atlanta Journal Constitution about the impact of the HOPE Scholarship as it turns 20 this month. Although it has helped more than 1.5 million Georgians attend college, Sjoquist said the scholarship has had little impact on keeping scholars in Georgia after they graduate. “There is no incentive in HOPE to stay in-state after graduation,” he said. While the financial benefits of HOPE may have swayed students to remain in-state for college, those who had thought about going elsewhere would simply wait until after graduation, Sjoquist said.
You can read more about the impact of HOPE on the Georgia workforce in this article by Dr. Sjoquist:
Sjoquist, David L., and John V. Winters. 2013. “The effects of HOPE on post-college retention in the Georgia workforce.” Regional Science & Urban Economics 43, no. 3: 479-490.