It Takes a Convoy to Care for Our Elderly
Check out this recently-published article by GSU Gerontology Professor Candace Kemp‘s (and former GSU professor Mary Ball) on the importance of “convoys,” or a “collection of close social relationships” (Kemp et al., 2013, p. 17) in care of aged persons in assisted living:

Kemp, C. M., Ball, M. M., & Perkins, M. M. (2013). Convoys of care: Theorizing intersections of formal and informal care. Journal Of Aging Studies, 27(1), 15-29.
“Although most care to frail elders is provided informally, much of this care is paired with formal care services. Yet, common approaches to conceptualizing the formal–informal intersection often are static, do not consider self-care, and typically do not account for multi-level influences. In response, we introduce the “convoy of care” model as an alternative way to conceptualize the intersection and to theorize connections between care convoy properties and caregiver and recipient outcomes. The model draws on Kahn and Antonucci’s (1980) convoy model of social relations, expanding it to include both formal and informal care providers and also incorporates theoretical and conceptual threads from life course, feminist gerontology, social ecology, and symbolic interactionist perspectives. This article synthesizes theoretical and empirical knowledge and demonstrates the convoy of care model in an increasingly popular long-term care setting, assisted living. We conceptualize care convoys as dynamic, evolving, person- and family-specific, and influenced by a host of multi-level factors. Care convoys have implications for older adults” quality of care and ability to age in place, for job satisfaction and retention among formal caregivers, and for informal caregiver burden. The model moves beyond existing conceptual work to provide a comprehensive, multi-level, multi-factor framework that can be used to inform future research, including research in other care settings, and to spark further theoretical development” (Kemp et al., 2013, p. 15).
Kahn, R. L., & Antonucci, T. C. (1980). Convoys over the life course: A life
course approach. In P. B. Baltes, & O. Brim (Eds.), Life span development
and behavior (pp. 253–286). New York: Academic Press.
Kemp, C. M., Ball, M. M., & Perkins, M. M. (2013). Convoys of care: Theorizing intersections of formal and informal care. Journal Of Aging Studies, 27(1), 15-29.