University Library News
Georgia State University

Trial of the century?


Today the U.S.  Supreme Court will begin 3 days of oral arguments in which issues connected to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. the Health Reform Law) will be presented.  A ruling is expected by Summer.

Track the progress of the 3 days some are calling “the trial of the century” at, which has guides for each of the 3 days; public polling information; a health care scorecard; and more.

To read the Supreme Court’s documentation on argument 11-398, Department of Health and Human Services, et al. vs Florida, here it is.

For a very good pro/con examination of the Health Reform Law the Library has the database: Issues & Controversies. In addition the Library has several Research Guides, including:  U.S. Constitution and Health Care Reform, which will direct you to popular and scholarly resources for your research.