University Library News
Georgia State University

Moving Around Town in Downtown: GSU’s Earliest Locations (1914-1955)

Early locations of Georgia State University

Ever wonder where Georgia State University was headquartered during its early years? The first class met at Georgia Tech, but in 1914 the school relocated to downtown Atlanta, where it then moved from one building to another. Early records are sketchy, but these downtown locations can now be mapped.

To experience a progressive and interactive tour through times past, click on the image to the left. You will be transported to a “live” map that allows you to

  • click on each location GSU occupied through the years,
  •  see a historic photo of that location,
  • learn about GSU during that time, and
  • view the photo superimposed (fade in, fade out*) on a modern, explorable street view of that place now.

The tour will lead you from 1914, when the young school became physically separate from the Georgia Tech campus, to 1955, when Georgia State became operationally independent from the University of Georgia.

Want to further explore Georgia State University’s early history? See the following:

*  To fade in/out, use the vertical scroll bar in the bottom center of Historypin.
Special thanks to Peter Roberts, whose technological expertise made this virtual tour possible.