“Discover” Halloween
So, you might gather that I REALLY like Halloween…
!["Queen of Halloween"](http://blog.library.gsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/queenofhalloween1.jpg)
I was curious to discover (via the Discover Search) the variety of resources the Georgia State University Library has related to Halloween – here are some interesting finds:
- Morton, Lisa. The Halloween Encyclopedia [E-Book]. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2010.
- Rogers, Nicholas. Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
- Mueller, Jennifer, Danielle Dirks, and Leslie Picca. “Unmasking Racism: Halloween Costuming and Engagement of the Racial Other.” Qualitative Sociology 30.3 (2007): 315-335.
- McKechnie, Sally, and Caroline Tynan. “Halloween in a Material World: Trick or Treat?” Journal of Marketing Management 24.9/10 (2008): 1011-1023.
Then, I was curious to see what we had on vampires or werewolves – a few things here:
- Guiley, Rosemary. The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and other Monsters. New York: Facts on File, 2005.
- Bailie, Helen T. “Blood Ties: The Vampire Lover in the Popular Romance.” Journal of American Culture 34.2 (2011): 141-148.
- Walface, Kelsey. “Dandy in the Underworld: Is the War between Vampires and Werewolves about Class?” Bitch Magazine: Feminist Response to Pop Culture 48 (2010): 7.
- Dunn, George A., and Rebecca Housel. True Blood and Philosophy [E-Book]: We Wanna Think Bad Things with You. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010.
And what about gypsies? Some highlights:
!["Gypsy Serenader"](http://blog.library.gsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/mandy-gypsy.jpg)
- Weyrauch, Walter O. Gypsy Law [E-Book]: Romani Legal Traditions and Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.
- Tong, Diane. Gypsies: An Interdisciplinary Reader. New York: Garland, 1998.
- Theodosiou, A. “Multiculturalism and the Catachresis of Otherness: Settling Gypsies, Unsettling Gypsy Belongings.” Critique of Anthropology 31.2 (2011): 89-107.
- Dellal, Jasmine, Ian F. Hancock, and William A. Duna. American Gypsy [documentary]: A Stranger in Everybody’s Land. Berkeley, CA: University of California Extension Center for Media and Independent Learning, 1999.
Some credible, multidisciplinary print books, e-books, popular and scholarly articles, and movies – and all gathered from the Library’s Discover Search!
A gypsy fire is on the hearth,
Sign of the carnival of mirth;
Through the dun fields and from the glade
Flash merry folk in masquerade,
For this is Hallowe’en!
~Author Unknown~