Georgia Archives Month is Georgia History…Worth Saving!

Archives Month is here!!! Every October, archives and repositories across the country celebrate Archives Month in order to showcase their collections and raise awareness of their work. The theme for this year’s Georgia Archives Month is Georgia History…Worth Saving! At Georgia State University Library, we are highlighting images and artifacts from our holdings that reflect the role of sports in our lives.
GSU’s Special Collections and Archives Department presents an exhibit exploring the impact of sports on the city of Atlanta, the South, and the Nation. It documents the early days of the Atlanta Crackers, the city’s first professional baseball team, to the recent founding of the GSU Football Program. Also highlighted are some pivotal legal controversies, such as the passage of Title IX, requiring schools to provide equal athletic opportunities for women, and the Major League Baseball strike between owners and players, culminating in the cancellation of the 1994 World Series.
This exhibit is free and is located in the Special Collections & Archives Department of Library South’s eighth floor.