University Library News

Georgia State University Library

Improved off-campus access to netLibrary

GSU users no longer have to create a netLibrary account on campus before attempting to log in off campus.  You will now be prompted to authenticate with the GALILEO password instead of your PantherCard ID and last name.

Dear GALILEO Users,

Over the past month, GALILEO Support Services has been working with OCLC netLibrary to implement better remote access to netLibrary e-book collections through the GALILEO system.  We are pleased to announce that, beginning today,  remote users of netLibrary will be able to access and view netLibrary titles from home without first needing to create a netLibrary account at their home institution. Once a user logs into GALILEO with their correct remote password, a user will be able to go straight into their institution’s netLibrary account.  Furthermore, remote users will  be able to create a netLibrary account in order to check out netLibrary books….


Katie Gohn
GALILEO Support Specialist
Library Services
Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
2500 Daniells Bridge Road, Bldg. 300 Athens, GA 30606
Phone: 1-888-875-3697 Fax: (706)-583-2294 *

*Author ID: 198 Author name: Elizabeth*