University Library News
Georgia State University

EcoSal Now Available

GSU patrons now have access to EcoSal (Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular Biology):

EcoSal is the new, continually updated Web resource based on the classic ASM Press publication Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular Biology. Like its print-edition predecessors, EcoSal is a comprehensive, coherent archive of the entire corpus of knowledge on the enteric bacterial cell-but now it’s continually expanded, updated, and revised. EcoSal is comprised of several hundred modules of information and interpretation with links to cognate sites containing extensive tabular and pictorial presentations, as well as to active databases of primary research information.

EcoSal can now be accessed via the Library’s List of Databases.

*Author ID: 198 Author name: Elizabeth*