Exhibit Beginning June 9: Resources for Study of World History
All Over the Map: Resources for the Study of World History, opens Mon., June 9, in Library North 1. On display in conjunction with the 2003 World History Association Conference at Georgia State University June 2629, the exhibit highlights Pullen Library resources for the study of world history, including books, maps, and visual materials. A selected bibliography is also provided. The exhibit runs through July.
A supplemental web research guide, World History Conference Library Companion, features ways to search for and locate periodical literature, plus selected reference, media, and Internet resources appropriate for the study of world history.
The exhibit and research guide were created by Pullen Liaison Librarians Tina Demetracopoulos and Tammy Sugarman. They will present their paper, Achieving Research Literacy in World History, on Friday, June 27, at the 2003 World History Association Conference at Georgia State University.
Call 404/463-9944 for more information.
*Author ID: 31 Author name: Doug*