Transgender Day of Remembrance, November 20, 2021

Transgender Day of Remembrance, observed every year on November 20, honors the memory of trans individuals who have lost their lives to acts of anti-trans violence. We encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the loss of our trans friends, and to consider ways to make our world more trans-friendly.
The Georgia State University Library is taking important steps to honor and make visible the lives of trans and gender non-conforming people living in Georgia, with the establishment of its new and growing Georgia Transgender Oral History Project. The project was designed and is managed by Morna Gerrard, the Library’s Women’s / Gender and Sexuality Collections archivist. Morna has been fortunate to have A.C. Panella as an intern and collaborator for the project. Panella is a trans graduate student living in California who has an interest in trans collective memory and history. Also guiding the project are a group of sage trans advisors, and an outstanding cohort of volunteer interviewers, Ashby Haywood, Tracee McDaniel, and A.C. Panella.
The Georgia Transgender Oral History Project will gather and preserve stories, memories, and histories with transgender and gender non-conforming people and allies who live/have lived in Georgia, or who have participated in activities that affect Georgia. Anyone who identifies as trans or gender non-conforming is welcome to participate as an interviewee in the first phase of the project. Thereafter, we would also like to interview allies. If you would like to participate, please don’t hesitate to contact Morna (, or complete the sign-up form.