Library Study Room Reservations Now Required at Atlanta Campus
Welcome back, everyone! Starting Monday, January 11, reservations will be required to use the 40+ individual study rooms available in the University Library at the Atlanta campus.
Please use the Reserve A Space feature on the library website to reserve an individual study room. Study rooms are for one person at a time and are available for 2-hour blocks, with a 30-minute resting or buffer period between reservations. For example, see:

The library recently hired Student Library Ambassadors to assist with this process. At the time of your reservation, please wait at the indicated spot outside of the reserved room for a Library Ambassador to greet you, confirm your reservation, and check you in.

Library Ambassadors and staff are here to help if you have questions. When interacting with library employees, please adhere to social distancing guidelines by staying 6 feet apart and wearing a mask covering your nose and mouth. We expect all library users to follow COVID-19 library protocols, including no eating in any library area, including study rooms.
Have a safe and successful semester, Panthers!