Welcome Back! We’re committed to staying safe while supporting student success.
We’re committed to staying safe while supporting student success and facilitating research excellence. To succeed, we know we’ll need the cooperation and commitment of all members of our university community.
Here are some things you’ll need to know:
- A valid PantherCard is required to enter the library.
- Visitors may not enter unless permission is arranged in advance.
- Face coverings are required in all public spaces, per the University’s mask policy.
- Follow all social distancing signs and guidelines. Stay 6 feet apart.
- Food must be consumed outside of library spaces.
- Study rooms are for individual use only.
- Tables are for individual use.
When you follow the items mentioned above, you’re protecting yourself, but equally important, you’re protecting other members of the university community. You’re showing you’re taking responsibility for the welfare of those around you.
Some things are going to be different but we are here for you, ready to support your academic success online and in the library.
To read more about library guidelines and policies visit: https://library.gsu.edu/about/visit-the-library/