New for you: Portable DVD players!
Here’s a fact: The Library has a vast collection of movies and television on DVD, with most titles available to borrow for up to a week at a time. We’re talking cinema classics, foreign films, indie favorites, documentaries, and more–some of which you can’t find on any streaming platform!
Here’s another fact: many students (and even many professors) don’t own DVD players nowadays.
“So,” you might be thinking, “how are us DVD-player-less folks supposed to watch all this cool stuff?” Well, the Atlanta library now has 5 portable, multi-format, region-free DVD players you can borrow that are perfect for watching all the wonderful films and programs the Library has to offer. Watch what you want, wherever you want!

Here’s what one of the new player looks like. (BTW: Finding Nemo is one of the many movies we have on DVD!)
The details: DVD players can be borrowed for up to 1 week–conveniently, the same amount of time you can borrow our DVDs–and can play discs of any format (PAL or NTSC) and any region. They all have a 4-hour rechargeable battery, a 9″ swivel screen, and A/V outputs in case you want to connect the player to a larger screen. Don’t return it late! Overdue fines are set at $5 per day.
Could borrowing DVDs from the Library become the new “Netflix and chill???” Maybe. Happy watching!