RFP: Textbook Transformation Grants, Fall 2018-19-Due September 10

Adopt, adapt, or create an open or affordable textbook alternative with an Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) grant. Learn more at the Request for Proposals for Textbook Transformation Grants. This RFP is for Round 12, and applications are due by September 10, 2018. Projects have a maximum Final Semester of Fall 2019.
To apply:
- Read the Request for Proposals Document.
- Read the new 2018 Rubric for Peer Review.
- Fill out the Word version of the Application Form and keep this form for your records.
- Fill out the Online Application Form.
The Online Application Form is still in development, but will contain the same content as the Word version of the form and will be located on the Round Twelve RFP Page. Return to this page to view the completed Online Application Form when announced in the newsletter.
Webinars will be held for a general introduction to the application process and Q&A:
YouTube Archive: July 23, 2018, 2:00pm
Next information session: August 7, 2018, 2:00pm
The Georgia State University Library provides assistance with the grant process and with locating course content to fulfill grant requirements. Additionally, the GSU library coordinates with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for related pedagogical and instructional technology needs. For additional information or assistance, please contact Denise Dimsdale, ALG Library Coordinator or Laura Carruth, ALG Campus Champion.