Celebrate Open Education Week, March 27-31

This year, the Georgia State University Library is celebrating Open Education Week from March 27-31 with a different program each day this week. Open Education is a global movement to raise awareness about free and open content, tools, and pedagogy and their impact on teaching and learning.
Monday, March 27: 10am-4pm. Atlanta Campus Library North Lobby. Exploring Open Educational Resources.
Stop by our Open Educational Resource table just inside the Atlanta Library North main entrance. You’ll have the opportunity to interact with a variety of Open Educational Resources.
Tuesday, March 28, 3:00-4:00pm: Webinar: Open Educational Resources, Affordable Content, and Student Success
What are Open Educational Resources (OERs) and how can they impact student success? This webinar introduces openly licensed course content and other affordable textbook alternatives and how they can improve student grades and retention. Learn to locate high quality, low cost resources and find out about Affordable Learning Georgia grants to develop new OERs or adapt an existing course to use open content.
Sign in to this webinar here.
Wednesday, March 29: Noon-1pm: Webinar : Introduction to Open Licensing
Denise Dimsdale, Education Librarian and Affordable Learning Georgia Library Coordinator for Georgia State University, will introduce you to how open licenses work and why they are important for sharing your educational resources.
Register here.
Thursday, March 30: Atlanta Campus in Library South 2: CURVE, Noon-1pm: One GSU professor’s experience creating an open textbook
Tired of using a traditional textbook that some students don’t purchase and others don’t read? Legal Studies professor Susan Willey demonstrates the no-cost, digital textbook she has created for BUSA 2106. Currently comprised of more than 700 links to online readings, videos, websites, and other free open-source web materials, the e-book appeals to the learning styles of millennial students and encourages them to take more responsibility for their learning. Students in her classes also create study aids, exercises and assessment tools to make the e-book more interactive, as well as Infographics that summarize content and make it more accessible to visual learners. Sue’s session will walk you through the process she followed to create an e-book from open resources, the format of her book, types of interactive exercises that can be created by students, and student feedback on how creating course materials enhances their learning experience
Friday, March 31: Atlanta Campus Library North, Classroom 1 Noon-12:30pm: Finding Open Content and Library Resources to Replace High Cost Textbooks
Do your students have trouble affording the textbook for your class? Let us help. Come discover some excellent resources for open and affordable content. We’ll take a look at several collections of peer-reviewed open textbooks, ebook collections available through the GSU library, and a few other resources for locating open content.
Friday, March 31: Atlanta Campus Library North, Classroom 1, 12:30pm-1:30pm: An Open Conversation about Open Education
What are your thoughts or experiences with open education? Are there advantages or challenges? Are you a professor using or exploring the idea of using Open Educational Resources or open pedagogy in your class or department? Are you a student who has taken an open class or used OER in class or your personal projects? Bring your ideas and questions, and we’ll spend some time talking about OER.