Recent Research by Sociology Professor Acosta
Meet Professor Katie Acosta, who joined the GSU Sociology Department faculty this past academic year.
According to her website, Dr. Acosta’s “areas of interest and expertise include Latina/o sexuality, gender, immigration, family and race and ethnicity” and she “frequently teach[es] Race and Ethnic Relations, Race in the Americas, and Gender and Sexuality.” Her recent book, Amigas y Amantes: Sexually Nonconforming Latinas Negotiate Family, available in the GSU University Library, “explores the experiences of lesbian, bisexual and queer Latinas and how these women negotiate family.”
Check out some of Dr. Acosta’s recent publications:
- Acosta, K. L. (2013). Amigas y amantes: Sexually nonconforming Latinas negotiate family. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
- Acosta, K. (2011). The language of (in)visibility: Using in-between spaces as a vehicle for empowerment in the family. Journal of Homosexuality, 58(6/7), 883-900.
- Acosta, K. (2011). Sexual citizenship: Marriage, adoption and immigration in the United States. In M. Assencio (ed.), Human rights in our own backyard: Injustice and resistance in the United States. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Acosta, K. (2010). “How could you do this to me?” How lesbian, bisexual and queer Latinas negotiate sexual disclosure with the families. Black Women, Gender and Families, 4(1), 1-23.
- Acosta, K. (2008). Lesbianas in the borderlands: Shifting identities and imagined communities. Gender and Society, 22(5), 639-659.
Welcome to GSU, Dr. Acosta!