Doug Boyd to speak on “Oral History in the Digital Age”

Doug Boyd, director of the University of Kentucky’s Louis B. Nunn Center for Oral History, will give a brown bag presentation to the Department of History on “Oral History in the Digital Age.”
The presentation will be 12:00-1:00, Friday, February 1, in Room 2131, 34 Peachtree Street. Feel free to bring your lunch.
Doug Boyd is arguably the nation’s foremost expert on oral history in the digital environment. He is the project manager of a major IMLS-funded national initiative on Oral History in the Digital Age. For more information about Boyd and his career, check out the recent profile in the Library of Congress blog The Signal.
Below is a selected bibliography for Boyd; his website contains a complete bibliography and information about projects and presentations:
Author; Crawfish Bottom: Recovering a Lost Kentucky Community, University Press of Kentucky, August, 2011.
Co-General Editor; Kentucky Remembered: An Oral History Series University Press of Kentucky:
- Voices from the Peace Corps: Fifty Years of Kentucky Volunteers by Angene and Jack Wilson, February 2011.
- Freedom on the Border: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement in Kentucky by Tracy K’Meyer and Catherine Fosl, May 2009.
- This is Home Now: Kentucky’s Holocaust Survivorsby Arwen Donohue and Rebecca Howell, May 2009.