Disney Purchases Lucasfilm Ltd. for $4.05B

Star Wars fans felt a major disturbance in The Force this week when The Walt Disney Company announced that it would be buying George Lucas’ film company for $4.05 billion. This acquisition is the latest in a series; Disney also purchased Marvel Comics and Pixar in recent years .
If you’re interested in learning more about Disney’s business dealings, there are a number of Library resources that can help you:
- The research database Business Insights: Essentials is a great place to look up basic facts about companies and to check a company’s history.
- We have dozens of books on the media industry in general, including one co-edited by GSU Professor Alisa Perren, entitled Media Industries: History, Theory, and Method.
- Tons of related resources on our Film & Media Industries Research Guide.
If your interests are more leisurely than scholarly, help yourself to our Disney, Pixar, and Lucasfilm video holdings.
Side-note: According to this NPR story, Lucas plans to focus on making experimental films now that he’ll no longer be steering the Lucasfilm ship. One can only wonder what these films will be like (perhaps a Jar-Jar Binks/Meshes of the Afternoon mash-up?).