Exploring Some of the Challenges to Peace
Dr. Henry F. Carey’s research interests in international criminal justice and human rights have resulted in the publication of two books in 2012. The Associate Professor of Political Science authored:
Privatizing the Democratic Peace: Policy Dilemmas of NGO Peacebuilding, in which he “analyzes the difficult choices, consequences and lessons learned from the UN and foreign governments commissioning NGOs and other subcontractors…” *
And –
Reaping what you sow: a comparative examination of torture reform in the United States, France, Argentina, and Israel which “presents a new angle in the study of this controversial practice by studying how these countries attempt to account for these secret practices and reform future interrogations against this universal crime. It also analyzes the costs of torture, whether in terms of intelligence gaffes or alienating potential supporters and enemies alike, creating strategic dilemmas in the war on terrorism.” *
Dr. Carey is a prolific author with dozens of articles, book chapters and, of course, books to his credit. We look forward to Dr. Carey’s future scholarship, some of which will continue his exploration of NGO’s and Human Rights.
*Book description.