GSU Sociology Students critique the Social with the Visual
For the next few weeks on Sociology Professor Deirdre Oakley’s Social Shutter blog, students emphasize their social critiques with compelling photographs. This week’s installment by Debby Yoder has photos of the rally that took place on the University of Georgia’s campus, which was in response to the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin:

One of several controversies involved in this case is the question of racial profiling in law enforcement practices. Explore some of the GSU University Library’s resources addressing this issue.
Online films via Films on Demand database:
- ABC News Productions, Films for the Humanities & Sciences, & Films Media Group. (2006). Racial profiling and law enforcement: America in black and white. New York: Films Media Group.
- ABC News Productions, Films for the Humanities & Sciences, & Films Media Group. (2006). Protect and serve?: De-policing in urban neighborhoods. New York: Films Media Group.
Several books discussing racial profiling in law enforcement, including:
- Free, M. D. (2003). Racial issues in criminal justice: The case of African Americans. Westport, CT: Praeger. *Individual chapters of relevance: “Picasso as a Criminologist: The Abstract Art of Racial Profiling,” by Michael J. Lynch and Amie M. Schuck, and “Driving While Black: Corollary Phenomena and Collateral Consequences,” by Katheryn M. Russell.
- Gumbhir, V. K. (2007). But is it racial profiling? Policing, pretext stops, and the color of suspicion. New York: LFB Scholarly Pub.
- Moody, M. N. (2008). Black and mainstream press’ framing of racial profiling: A historical perspective. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Some scholarly research articles:
- Peruche, B., & Plant, E. (2006). The correlates of law enforcement officers’ automatic and controlled race-based responses to criminal suspects. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 28(2), 193-199.
- Alpert, G. P., Dunham, R. G., & Smith, M. R. (2007). Investigating racial profiling by the Miami-Dade police department: A multimethod approach. Criminology & Public Policy, 6, 25–55.
- Skolnick, J. H. (2007). Racial profiling – then and now. Criminology & Public Policy, 6, 65–70.
- Brunson, R. K. (2007). “Police don’t like black people”: African-American young men’s accumulated police experiences. Criminology & Public Policy, 6, 71–101.