University Library News
Georgia State University

Commentary, reporting on the GSU copyright lawsuit, trial

With Final Filings, Parties in GSU E-Reserve Case Await Verdict , by Andrew Albanese. Here’s an excerpt:

“[A] Copyright Clearance Center annual license covering GSU’s classroom use would cost the university about $114,000 annually, suggesting that, with $4 million spent annually on electronic materials, another “$3.75 per student,” as AAP estimated, isn’t significant. Those numbers, however, raise another question: did publishers really sue a $4 million annual customer for an extra $114,000?”

Licenses, prices, fair use and GSU, by Kevin Smith. Here’s an excerpt:

“Reading the plaintiffs’ brief, I was struck forcefully by the realization that they are asking the Judge to eliminate fair use virtually entirely for academia and instead substitute a compulsory license.”