“Sunshine Segregation” commentary by GSU Student
Check out the insightful commentary on Social Shutter by Leah Meyer, an undergraduate Sociology major at Georgia State University – a timely post as the case Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights et al. vs. Deal et al., which challenges the constitutionality of Georgia House Bill 87, is being heard today at the United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia.

- Explore more about the sociopolitical issues surrounding Mexican immigrants in these Georgia State University Library resources:
- Odem, M. E. (2008). Subaltern Immigrants. Interventions: The International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 10(3), 359-380. Explores shifts in twentieth century immigration law regarding Mexicans, focusing on the local struggles over immigrant membership in Atlanta.
- Sabia, D. (2010). The Anti-Immigrant Fervor in Georgia: Return of the Nativist or Just Politics as Usual?. Politics & Policy, 38(1), 53-80. Explores the overarching sociopolitical climate in Georgia regarding immigration, immigrant policy formation, and immigration reception.
- Vargas, Z. (2011). Crucible of struggle: A history of Mexican Americans from colonial times to the present era. New York: Oxford University Press. Explores the the 500-year Mexican American experience within the broader American historical context.
- Zárate, M. A., & Shaw, M. P. (2010). The Role of Cultural Inertia in Reactions to Immigration on the U.S./Mexico Border. Journal of Social Issues, 66(1), 45-57. Explores the competing ideologies of assimilation and multiculturalism in relation to Mexican immigrant communities.
Social Shutter (edited by GSU sociology professor Deirdre Oakley, GSU sociology graduate student Chandra Ward, and photographer Angie Luvara) is an online “weekly venue for photo essays and single photos with extended captions about everyday social life.” Submissions welcome!