“Unlikely Neighbors” commentary by GSU Student
Check out the insightful commentary on Social Shutter by Chandra Ward, a Sociology graduate student from Georgia State University.

Explore more about the sociopolitical issues of gentrification in these Georgia State University Library resources:
- Brown-Saracino, J. (2010). The gentrification debates. New York: Routledge.
- Kirkland, E. (2008). What’s race got to do with it? Looking for the racial dimensions of gentrification. Western Journal of Black Studies, 32(2), 18-30.
- Lees, L., Slater, T., & Wyly, E. K. (2008). Gentrification. New York: Routledge.
- Catterall, B. (2010). Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis: (17) Sites and moments: bringing black people and women (back?) in. City, 14(1/2), 203-229.
- Atkinson, R., & Bridge, G. (2005). Gentrification in a global context: The new urban colonialism. New York: Routledge.
- Davidson, M. (2009). Displacement, space and dwelling: Placing gentrification debate. Ethics, Place & Environment, 12(2), 219-234.
- Blomley, N. K. (2004). Unsettling the city: Urban land and the politics of property. New York: Routledge.
- Gibbs Knotts, H. H., & Haspel, M. (2006). The impact of gentrification on voter turnout. Social Science Quarterly, 87(1), 110-121.
Social Shutter (edited by GSU sociology professor Deirdre Oakley, GSU sociology graduate student Chandra Ward, and photographer Angie Luvara) is an online “weekly venue for photo essays and single photos with extended captions about everyday social life.” Submissions welcome!