University Library News

Georgia State University Library

New Communication/Journalism research tools

Communication researchers will want to check out two new resources we’ve added.

The Encyclopedia of Communication Theory provides students and researchers with an overview of contemporary communication theory. Entries address topics related not only to paradigms, traditions, and schools, but also metatheory, methodology, inquiry, and applications and contexts.

The Encyclopedia of Journalism covers print, broadcast, and Internet journalism; U.S. and international perspectives; history; technology; legal issues and court cases; ownership; and economics.

Both titles are part of the Gale Virtual Reference Library. A basic search of the GVRL will include results from both encyclopedias, or you can go to Advanced Search and enter “Encyclopedia of Communication Theory” or “Encyclopedia of Journalism” as Publication Title to search each individually.

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Got questions or comments? Contact Jason Puckett, Communication Librarian.