July 29 update
In order to accommodate vacancies in the Department of Liaison & Outreach Services, there has been a change to one of my departmental responsibilities. Effective August 17, Barbara Petersohn will take over as liaison for MSIT since I am now the liaison for Psychology. I will continue to serve CPS, EPS, and EPSE.
Fall Library Instruction Sessions
If you would like a library session for your fall classes, please contact me with the logistics of the class and what you would like for me to cover, and I will check my schedule and library classroom availability. Feel free to contact me also if you’d like more information about library instruction.
Books/DVDs for Fall classes
Let me know if you there are books or DVDs you would like added to the library collection in time for fall classes. There is approximately $500 available in each department budget for use until the yearly allocation is received in September/October.
Library Closed August 5/Brenna unavailable
On Wednesday, August 5, the library will be closed for a library employee retreat, so I will be unavailable. Voice mails and emails received will be responded to on Thursday.