University Library News
Georgia State University

Call for Instruction Session requests-Spring 2009

I continue to take requests for spring semester library instruction. In the session, I cover such topics as library resources, search strategies, and physical/virtual navigation of University Library which are customized to the course and the needs of the professor and students.

I am happy to conduct these sessions at any point in the semester, either at the beginning so that students will be aware of what the library has to offer, or closer to the start of a research project timeline.

As part of your request, please state:
1) the nature of the session (i.e. research assignment(s) requiring library resources or an overview of resources in the subject area of the course)
2) what you would like for me to cover (i.e. discuss/demonstrate resources that tie in with the research assignment, search strategies, etc.)
3) number of students expected
4) the class time and at which point during the class time you’d like for the session to be held

Requests may be sent to my email: or phone: 3-2859.