University Library News
Georgia State University a new academic researcher network is a new site for faculty researchers to create a profile and add CV, papers, books, talks, and other information to an international researcher network.

More information about the site per an email sent to ILI-L:

> Dear all,
> I recently finished my Ph.D on the philosophy of perception from Oxford. With a
> team of people from Stanford and Cambridge, I’ve just launched a website,
>, which does two things:
> – It shows academics around the world structured in a ‘tree’ format, displayed
> according to their departmental and institutional affiliations.
> – It enables academics to see news on the latest research in their area – the
> latest people, papers and talks.
> We are hoping that will eventually list every academic in the
> world — Faculty Members, Post-Docs, Graduate Students, and Independent
> Researchers. Academics can add their departments, and themselves, to the tree
> by clicking on the boxes.
> Academics are joining the tree rapidly. More than 15,000 academics have added
> themselves in the last two months. Some professors on the site include:
> – Richard Dawkins –
> – Stephen Hawking –
> – Paul Krugman –
> – Noam Chomsky –
> – Steven Pinker –
> We’re trying to spread the word about as much as possible. It
> would be terrific if you could visit the site, and add yourself to your
> department on the tree. If your university is not there, you can add it by
> clicking on the arrows coming out of the university boxes.
> Independent researchers – if you are a researcher that is not associated with a
> university, I encourage you to add yourself to the “Independent Researchers”
> portion of the tree at
> And do spread the word to your friends and colleagues if you can.
> Many thanks,
> Richard
> Dr. Richard Price