University Library News

Georgia State University Library

GIL Express On-Line Requesting and Delivery will be Suspended Effective October 1, 2008.

UPDATE: The GIL Express suspension has been postponed. Service will now continue through the fall semester.

The recent decline in state tax revenues has forced the University System of Georgia (USG) to implement budget cuts for the current fiscal year, including the suspension of GIL Express On-Line Requesting and Delivery Service effective October 1, 2008.  This will allow libraries to continue to provide most GALILEO electronic resources for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Georgia State faculty, students and staff can still check out books from any USG library with a current and valid institution issued-picture ID by visiting any of the other 34 USG libraries.

For additional information, including suggestions for how to obtain books not owned by the University Library, please go to:

For questions about GIL Express, please contact the University Library Access & Media Services Department at 404-413-2820 or